How CBD Oil became what it is today?

Wonder why all of a sudden CBD product sprouted like a mushroom almost everywhere? Well, CBD industry is one of the fastest-growing markets of today. Although it is relatively new in the mainstream market, its supporters are continuing to grow as its byproducts hit our favorite local store.

However, this industry is not exactly new, the industry exists long before, but believers and its followers can only talk about it discreetly in the past, because of its negative association.

CBD only became a buzzword in late 2018, after the US government have finally ended the seizure against the hemp plant for almost a century as part of the Farm Bill Act Law.  When talking about CBD and its byproducts, it is impossible not to talk about CBD oil since this serves as the face and the flagship of this industry.

If you think you’re late at the party, well, worry no more as we try to break this one down for you, and eventually made you talk like a pro about CBD oil after reading this.  So what is CBD oil? As mentioned in the introduction, we can consider late 2018 as the mark of mass adaptation for CBD and its byproducts, since hemp plant is the number one source of CBD.

So in a nutshell, CBD oil is an extracted compound of a Cannabis Sativa Plant for therapeutic and healing purpose.  To completely understand what CBD is, it is essential to note what a Hemp plant is and how the negative association against it has shifted.  Quick history overview of CBD. Not long ago, Cannabis plants are associated with madness and insanity, but thanks for the modern-day technology for finally giving light on what used to be a mystery in the past.

Cannabis plants have a lot to contribute to the herbal medicine’s history, but it has been a puzzle to why the plant can cure and harm at the same time.  Until a significant discovery of an Israeli Chemist Raphael Mechoulam about the compounds of the plant, that led to further research and studies about it. Also, this discovery earned him the alias “Godfather of Cannabis.”

Cannabis plants are rich in Cannabinoids compound, and the two dominating or active compounds in it are the THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol) and the CBD(Cannabidiol) compounds.  To simplify, THC is a psychoactive compound that makes someone go to a euphoric state or high feeling while CBD acts as the calmer compound, which delivers intense relaxation feeling to someone who consumes a cannabis plant.  Cannabis Sativa Plants

A Hemp plant and Marijuana are different plants.

However, they are almost physically identical, and they both belong to the same family of a tree, Many refer to them as a cousin.  A Marijuana plant is naturally rich in THC compounds while in contrast, a Hemp Plant has less of the said compound. 0.3% on average.


Since the LAW about it is still fresh, regulation on its usage is still under revision. However, many have already testified and proved the therapeutic claims of it to be true.  At the moment, the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) only support the use of it to treat patients with epilepsy. Many are anticipating updated regulations for it in the last quarter of 2019.

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