What You Need to Know About Science-Based Addiction Rehab

Addiction destroys lives and often kills some individuals. Finding the best way to treat addiction gives the individual an opportunity to take better control over their life and rebuild their relationships. Reviewing what patients need to know before science-based addiction rehab prepares them for the road ahead.

Detoxification for a Clean Start

When starting rehab, all patients undergo the detoxification process to remove any controlled substances or traces of alcohol from their system. The process causes a shock to the system, and the patient experiences withdrawal symptoms. Unlike traditional detox, science-based programs enable the patient to attempt group activities and therapy to keep them occupied and try to ease their symptoms. As a group, the patients encourage each other to stay strong and fight their addictions. Motivation and encouragement are vital parts of rehabilitation.

Learning New Behavioral Patterns

Learning new behavioral patterns helps the individual learn how their behavioral patterns have led to their addiction and cause negative changes in their life. Learning new ways to cope eliminates these behavioral patterns of self-harm. It encourages the individual to find more positive behaviors that help them fight addiction and improve their lives. Creating new brain pathways by learning something new can help combat addiction and cause positive neurological changes. Addiction is a brain disorder caused by changes in the brain when the individual uses drugs or consumes excessive quantities of alcohol. Patients who want to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy can get information from ARC Portsmouth Rehab right now.

Letting Go of Negative Thoughts

Letting go of negative thoughts helps the individual create a whole new mindset that eliminates the urge to use. During therapy, the individual learns how to analyze their thoughts and accept that they have negative thought patterns. However, these negative thought patterns are replaced through new techniques taught in therapy. The individual replaces negative thoughts with positive affirmations to prevent a negative outcome. Understanding how to complete this task helps the individual get the most out of their therapy and create a whole new life for themselves and their family.

Creating a Brand New Life

Creating a brand new life starts with the realization that the addict is dissatisfied with their life and how they have been living. Staying in an independent living facility allows the individual to continue therapy and rehab services while they venture out into the world and complete committed actions. With the help of their therapist, the individual achieves the goals necessary for this new life. This could include completing an educational program or finding a new career. In therapy, the individual finds a new purpose for their life and follows through with their new life plan.

Successful recovery starts with the realization that there is a problem. The addict must come to this conclusion themselves in order for the treatment to work. Understanding how rehab works and starting with a science-based approach helps the individual create a better life for them and their families. Anyone who is struggling with addiction can contact a counselor for an appointment now.

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