Breast Reconstruing Surgery, What You Should Know

Those who’ve had to go through a mastectomy, either because they have been diagnosed with breast cancer or you might have been exposed to such risks in the future, will surely benefit a lot from having the breast reconstruction surgery. However, before you go through with this procedure, there are a couple of things you might want to know first.

First of all, it is very important to talk openly with your doctor, why you would like to have this surgery, what this means to you, and anything else you can think about. If you are interested to know more about breast reconstruction surgery, you can check out the breast reconstruction surgeon Sydney and see what they have to offer.

The breast reconstruction can make you feel whole again

Breast reconstruction

This is a surgery that is often done for cancer patients who had to go through mastectomy or lumpectomy. It can be done many months or even years after those two surgeries, and during the reconstruction, your surgeon will create a breast shape with an implant, which will look as realistic as your breasts once did.

No matter your sexual activity, age, relationship status or orientation, there is no way for you to predict how you will react once you lose your breasts. It is normal for you feel nervous, uncertain, anxious, and even mournful, because you have lost a part of your body. Of course, many people react differently when it comes to this, and thus you never know what kind of feelings will overcome you.

No one can take this feeling away from you, other than yourself, and thus you should not feel down. There re many great breast reconstruction options, and thus you can regain your confidence back with breeze. This surgery is often suggested to you once the mastectomy or lumpectomy has taken place.

Are you sure you want the surgery?

This is an important question you have to ask yourself, along with:

– How important is this to you?

– Could you live without this surgery?

– Will this procedure help you feel much better about yourself?

– Are you okay with having more surgeries for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or lumpectomy?

You can check out the tuberous breast augmentation Sydney according to Breast & Body Clinic or do your research online to find out more about this procedure. However, the best option is probably to contact your doctor, and have a proper chat about your goals and what this would mean to you.

Gain your confidence back with a breast reconstruction surgery

Final word

In addition, it is important to know that while breast reconstruction will build the shape of your breasts, it will not restore the sensation to your breasts and nipples. Over time the sensitivity might come back, but it is safe to say that it could never be the same. So, consider your options and learn more about the breast reconstruction procedure beforehand.

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