Get To Know Menopause Signs

Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s life and it begins after a year when a woman stops to menstruate. This is a time when a woman is no longer fertile and cannot stay pregnant. Signs can appear years before the last menstruation. It is interesting that some women can notice the signs for months or years after the last period.

The average age when women enter the menopause is 51 years. But that is not strict, it can happen a few years later or earlier. Although menopause is a natural period it can cause big changes that brings up intense symptoms.

Menopause signs

Menopause is not a disorder or a disease, but it triggers severe changes in the body:

  • Irregular periods. This is one of the first signs of the menopause. A woman can have her period 2 or 3 weeks, while others will not have their period for months.
  • Vaginal dryness. Before menopause, you may notice that your vagina is getting dry. This can lead to itching, pain, and discomfort. This appears mostly during sex and it’s due to lower estrogen levels, because this hormone is in charge of vaginal wetness. Also, the vagina is getting thinner, and it can lead to inflammation.
  • Hot flushes. This is a sudden sensation of the heat mostly on the chests, back, face and when it starts here, it can progress downward.  The skin can become patchy and red, and a woman easily starts to sweat. The heart rate can be affected. It can become irregular, or it can increase.
  • Night sweats. These are hot flushes that are occurring during the night. They last for a few minutes, but that can be enough to wake you up. This can lead to sleep deprivation.

The specialist can help you with the severe symptoms

These menopause signs according to Australian Menopause Centre are the most severe once. They can be also different for every woman, which means that some women don’t have these symptoms, some can experience them in high intensity, while others in low. There are also mental and emotional changes during menopause.

If you are from 45 to 60 years old, and you are experiencing some of these changes, you should consider visiting a doctor. Medical specialists are the best ones to consult. You can do some research and find a clinic that is specialized in the menopause and we can recommend the menopause clinic in Brisbane like Australian Menopause Centre.

Feeling good during menopause is not impossible

The doctor will ask you a few questions about your menstrual circle, about your symptoms, do you notice any differences mentally and if it’s necessary, he will do additional tests. These tests will show for sure if you are in menopause because they are showing changes in the specific hormones.

Final word

Don’t let menopause to be on your way for a happy and healthy life. Take action and make some changes. Start with changing the lifestyle, and if you need additional help, consult with the professional.

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