How Exercise Can Benefit You in Retirement

Health Benefits of Retirement

Retirement is a time to focus on yourself, your hobbies, and simply enjoy life. As we grow older, self-care is essential as depression, anxiety, weight gain, and other chronic conditions are common struggles for seniors in retirement. The good news is that exercise can be a great way to combat these conditions.

Senior citizens who are age 65 and over should get at least 30 minutes per day of physical activity, whether from walking, aerobics, or strength training. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, almost all seniors can benefit from more physical activity. So, let’s discuss how exercise can benefit you in retirement.

Build physical strength

As we grow older, we may find ourselves feeling weak and out of energy at times. If you dedicate at least two and a half hours out of your week to exercise and strength training, your endurance levels can improve significantly.

Cardiovascular exercise will strengthen your heart and reduce your blood pressure, which in turn boosts your energy and endurance levels. For instance, simple movements such as household chores or climbing the stairs should come easier for you as you increase your physical activity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 36 million seniors fall each year and 32,000 of them die as a result. Falls can also result in head trauma, loss of function or mobility, and fractures.

Exercises such as pilates and yoga can improve your strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls.

Benefits you mentally

Daily exercise not only helps you physically, but it also has mental benefits as well. When you exercise, endorphins are released in the brain, which helps relax your muscles and relieve your body’s overall tension. 

Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression just as well as antidepressant medication, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that if you run for 15 minutes a day, you will reduce the risk of depression by 26%.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. When you are stressed, you may notice that your muscles are tense, especially in your neck and shoulders. Stress can even cause pain in your chest. Exercise can be an effective way to break the tension through the release of endorphins.   

Reduces chronic conditions

Exercise can also help you manage chronic health conditions. Heart disease, for example, causes one in four deaths in America.  Regular exercise can reduce your chance of developing the disease.

Osteoporosis, a chronic condition that makes your bones weak and brittle, is common among seniors. According to Scientific American, nearly one in ten seniors in the United States has osteoporosis. When you participate in exercise and strength building, you can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia.  

When you are strong and healthy, you boost your immune system. That can help prevent disease and infection, and help you recover more quickly if you do get sick. 


Daily exercise has lots of health benefits for seniors. If you need some motivation, seek out a workout partner, or join an exercise class in your area. Before you begin your exercise regimen, consult with your doctor, and make sure you know how to exercise safely.

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