Implant Overdentures: What Are They And How They Work

To many of us, when dental implants are mentioned we think of only have one or two missing teeth replaced. Individual implants are becoming a popular solution for patients with excellent jaw bone density and only one or two missing teeth. However, for those who have a more serious condition and require more than half of their teeth to be replaced, dentures are usually the preferred solution.

However, thanks to modern medicine and advancements in the study of dentistry, implant overdentures are now available as a treatment option. A consultation with an expert in dental implants Arlington VA clinic will help determine if you are the perfect candidate for the treatment.

Before jumping the gun and requesting for the implant, here are some basic facts about overdentures all potential patients should know:

What Are Implant Overdentures?

There are many reasons why people lose their teeth. Reasons range from accidents, health problems, and poor oral care practices. In any case, severely damaged teeth that require extraction leaves a patient feeling self-conscious while also affecting their health.

Dentures used to be the only solution for several missing teeth, but today implant overdentures are becoming more popular. The treatment involves adding two to four screws on the jaw bone to allow the fitting of the overdentures. Once the procedure is completed patients can once again smile with as the implant makes it look like they have all of their natural teeth in place.

What Are The Benefits?

Much like the individual dental implants Arlington VA dentists provide, implant overtures are very beneficial. They allow patients to feel like they have all their teeth, which aids in their ability to masticate food properly. Patients who regain full use of their implants can start to eat normally and healthily once more.

There is no denying that the aesthetic benefits of the implants make them a popular option with people who want to smile again. Since the overdentures are implants, there is no worry of the teeth slipping out of place or causing irritation. It is a wonderful solution, especially for people who are not comfortable with using dentures.

Who Are The Best Candidates?

Patients who are healthy enough for successful and uncomplicated teeth extractions can make good candidates for this form of implant. The procedure can be completed in just one day, but all patients must be assessed by their dentist.

Your dentist will go through the assessment and planning phase with you to ensure you understand the procedure. Any questions will be answered and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you please. The goal is to make all patients feel comfortable and confident before, during, and after the procedure.

Consult With Your Local Dentist Today

If you have been dissatisfied with your dentures or often feel self-conscious of how the dentures look and feel in your mouth, consult with your dentist today. After the checkup, they can determine if you make a great candidate for an implant overdentures and your journey towards a new smile can begin today.

Arlington Advanced Dental Care aims to give you back your perfect smile. Discuss dental implants Arlington VA with Dr. Hossein Ahmadian today!