Perfection for the Treatment for Drugs

Do not shift your day and night rhythm; do not go to sleep during the day. Do something different in the evening than you are used to, for example, take a leisurely walk around a block and then drink another cup of warm milk with honey or anise. Just before going to bed, do not do anything that requires spiritual efforts. Teach yourself a number of relaxation techniques that you can apply at night. Even if you do not sleep, you certainly relax. The Couples rehab is the best choice here.

Place a book next to your bed that is easy to read and does not create any tension. If necessary, consult your doctor for some supportive medication for a few days. Do not give in to the temptation to drink again in order to sleep. In the longer term this does not produce any results. You can go for the couples rehab centers there.


Accept that it is a difficult period. Try to find out the drinking habits (from the past): when, why, with whom. In this way you can arm yourself for a possible emerging need for drinks.

Find distractions

For example, make a daily schedule with intentions for the following day. Involve your partner, children and possibly a good friend in your attempts to stop drinking. It is important that family members know what you are going through and can possibly support you in this. There are ample options for couples rehabs now.

  • Contact your doctor for any physical consequences of the rehab, such as sleeping problems and vitamin B deficiency.
  • Drink a lot of fluid and exercise a lot. This makes the detoxification faster because the metabolism in the body is stimulated.
  • Self-help groups can be found in many cities and towns in the Netherlands. You can find more information here.

If you need professional support, contact the nearest institution for addiction care. If you occasionally drink a glass of wine for socializing, you don’t make that an alcoholic. The general guidelines are daily use for women of 2 glasses per day and for men 3 glasses per day. But if you do not meet those guidelines, because you drink more often, it still does not mean that you are dependent on alcohol.

When can you now talk about an alcohol addiction?

In any case, you cannot say that a certain amount of glasses of alcohol indicates the limit. For example, someone with a serious alcohol problem drinks more than 6 to 7 glasses per day on average. The amount of glasses is the same for different drinks, because the glasses are adapted to the strength of the drink: a beer glass is larger than a vodka glass, but contains the same amount of alcohol. You need to choose the best drug rehab for couples now.

The more and more often you drink, the faster you follow the road to addiction. So keep an eye on three things:

The Amount You Drink

A man who drinks more than 21 glasses per week (so 3 glasses per day) and a woman who drinks more than 14 glasses per week (so 2 ​​glasses per day), gets physical problems at some point.

The Reason Why You Drink

Most people drink because they like it or just for taste. If you drink to get rid of tensions, for example, and you do this on a regular basis, then that indicates abuse. Other reasons may be: removing fear, loosening in company, etc.

The Situation In Which You Drink

You can also speak of abuse if you drink, while you are driving, looking after small children, still studying or if you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, and so on.

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