What is the Proper Way to Dispose of Cooking Oil?

Many people love fried foods. Very few can turn down a plate of fries or bucket of fried chicken. Fast food eateries thrive on the sale of such foods which means they most likely used up vast amounts of cooking oil. 

Once cooled, decisions must be made on what to do with the cooking oil. There are three ways you can dispose of your used cooking oil:

  • Throw it out in the trash
  • Reuse it
  • Donate it

If you opt to donate it, put it in a sealable container and leave it at a designated place for pick up. You may also drop it off at your local restaurant for recycling. Check with them to see if that is a viable option. 

Disposing of Used Cooking Oil Appropriately

Used cooking oil cannot simply be thrown out with the trash like you would other kitchen trash. Moreover, you cannot dump it down the drain either. There are a few methods you can use for appropriate disposal of UCO.

  • Into the Trash, it Goes!

Do not attempt to dispose of oil while it is hot. You run the risk of getting burned. Allow the oil to cool first; preferably overnight. In addition, do not pour it directly into the trash can as that is the surest way to attract vermin into your home. 

Once it has cooled, find a non-breakable sealable container with a resealable lid and pour it into that. It is safe to throw it into the trash now. 

Alternatively, allow the oil to cool, and then freeze it in your freezer. Once it is a hard blob, dig it out of the container in which you froze it. Throw it directly into the trash. 

  • Recycle Your Oil

Oil that is no longer viable to reuse can and should be delivered to the local UCO industries for recycling. Your area may have recycling companies that would be only too happy to take the oil off your hands. Many of these companies even offer bins for ease of collection. 

Pour the oil into a container once it has cooled, naturally, and store it at room temperature. When you have collected enough in your estimation, drop it off at an agreed collection point. 

Recycling companies convert your used oil into biodiesel which can be used in place of petroleum-based fuel. The latter is a pollutant which contributes to a lot of the environmental problems the planet experiences today.

  • Reuse Your Oil

If you opt to reuse it, let it cool before you pour it out into an appropriate container. By now, you know that means:

  • One that does not easily shatter
  • One that can be sealed tightly

Before you transfer the oil to the container, filter all the food particles out. If you want to fill up the container before you start reusing it, ensure that it is airtight so that your oil remains in good condition. 

Store the oil at room temperature in the pantry until it is ready for use. You can then use it in the following ways:

  • To fry more food
  • As a lubricant
  • As a hair moisturizer and conditioner

Reusing it in the kitchen to fry more food is safe as long as you do not use it too many times. Using more than two times may result in the release of damaging free radicals and harmful fatty acids. 

Also, ensure that any cloudy or smelly oil is discarded as that is not safe to use. If the oil smells bad, that one needs to go expeditiously. Do not mix different types of oil if you plan to reuse it for cooking. 


Improper disposal of cooking oil is a bio hard in and of itself. It causes drainage pipes to clog; hence causing problems for the entire neighbourhood. You must then spend good money on plumbing costs. 

Instead of getting rid of your used cooking oil this way, save it for recycling and contribute to the efforts to save our environment. Every little effort counts.

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