What You Must Know about Obtaining a Medical Cannabis Card

Do you have a medical condition that you suspect would benefit much from the use of Cannabis? If so, then you are probably wondering what you need to do to obtain what’s called a “Medical Cannabis Card”. The latter makes it possible to purchase Cannabis for medical reasons legally.

If you have reason to believe that you are a good candidate for a medical cannabis card, then the only way to make sure is to get evaluated by a physician. If your doctor determines that you indeed have a good reason for wanting to obtain such a card, then he or she can file the necessary recommendations.

Now it’s not like you can purchase a medical cannabis card or obtain a prescription for it. If you are fortunate to live in a country which has legalised the therapeutic use of Cannabis, then you should know that there are laws to monitor its’ lawful use carefully. Obtaining a medical cannabis card is one such method that grants holder’s legal protection but only after a thorough examination by certified medical professionals.

Essential things to keep in mind about getting a medical cannabis card:

  • The therapeutic use of Cannabis is only legal in 6 Australian states (including all internal territories). If you are interested in the same, check with your local council first.
  • A medical cannabis card is required to purchase medical marijuana legally and only from authorised dispensaries.
  • Many of the same laws on substance abuse apply to medical Cannabis in Australia . For one thing, people are not allowed to drive a vehicle or operate machinery while under the influence of medicinal Cannabis.
  • Medical cannabis cards expire after 12 months and must be renewed after. Also, the latter is only accepted in dispensaries of the issuing state.

What to expect when applying for a medical cannabis card

So let us say that you have already scheduled an appointment with a doctor to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate for a medical cannabis card. There is a couple of things that you would want to bring with you during the consultation:

  • Proof of Identity/photo ID – valid driver’s licenses,  state ID card, government-issued ID, passport and proof of residency (bank statements, utility bills and the like).
  • Medical records – any document that supports your medical condition, including information about the prescriptions you are taking and supporting lab results. Expect your doctor to validate said records.
  • If you are under 18 years old, then you will need your parents or legal guardian to accompany you and must vouch that you need medical Cannabis for your condition.

To ensure that your application for a medical cannabis card proceeds as smoothly as possible, you may want to get help from doctors who are affiliated with organisations that seek to promote the therapeutic use of Cannabis. Such organisations ought to be able to get you all the help you need through their network of medical professionals and improve your chances of getting approved for a medical cannabis card.

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