How Many Cheat Meals Can I Have A Week?

When following a strict regime, the mistake many people make is about the meals that they eat. It is OK to have a cheat meal now and then, just don’t overdo it. Having a cheat meal is not going to hinder your progress, nor will it be detrimental to your health. If you don’t get your cheat meals right, you will end up miserable, but if you get it right, you will be happier, leaner, and more focused on your plan while enjoying the food that you love. ERA Fit has some of the best coaches for personal training in Miami, and if you can’t commit to a personal trainer, there’s always the option of online personal training

How often can I have a cheat meal?

This depends on your current body fat percentage, and you can find out which level you are at by taking our 30-second quiz. The leaner you are, the more carbs you can consume, and the more cheat meals you can have. Yes, this may be more difficult if you have higher body fat because you will be used to eating more processed meals, more sugar, and more carbs. It’s all about discipline. When you get to a lower percentage of body fat, you will be able to cheat more. The beginning is the hardest part of the journey, but it will get easier. 

How many times can I cheat?


Body Fat Cheats Body Fat Cheats
30-35% 1-2 per month 30-40% 1-2 per month
20-30% 2 per month 25-30% 2 per month
15-20% Once a week 20-25% Once a week
10-15% Twice a week 15-20% Twice a week
6-10% 2 – 3 times a week 10-15% 2 – 3 times a week

What is a standard cheat meal? 

A cheat meal can be anything from pizza and chocolate, to a massive takeaway. However, rather than just eating everything in sight, try to plan what you will eat. Also, try to eat something beforehand so that you aren’t over-indulging. You don’t want to feel like you could eat an entire pizza to yourself. 

Cheat Wisely

Just because it’s a cheat meal, it doesn’t mean that you have to have the worst foods for you. If you can have chocolate covered nuts instead of a bar of chocolate, that’s amazing! It may not be as indulging, but it will get you the best results, while still having some naughty food. 

With ERA Fit, there are two great options, you can either work face to face with a personal trainer in Miami, or you can join our online program. Both options provide you with step by step coaching, nutritional advice, and a plan to suit you. All you need to do is take our 30-second quiz and open a free account to start your journey with us. Tomorrow never comes, so hop online and check out the programs that are available for you. 

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